President Message November 2021


MBAM Golf Tournament 2021

The MBAM Annual Golf Tournament for year 2021 took place on 6 November with a total of 132 players forming 33 flights. It was indeed a colourful and well-spent Saturday to further strengthen the bond between MBAM and our members who have been supporting the Association through the pandemic period. I cannot thank the sponsors enough for their generosity towards making the tournament a success and contribution to the MBAM Education Scholarship fund. Congratulations once again to all the winners.

Budget 2022: Not much for construction industry

The 2022 Budget was announced on 29 October 2021 and while MBAM thank the Government for some of the construction projects announced but in bigger reality they are insufficient for the industry at large. Most of the projects announced are the smaller scale projects to enhance the infrastructure for public use. These small projects would benefit part of the industry players mainly in the G1 to G4 categories of contractors.


MBAM is supportive of the announcement in upskilling local talents through the continuation of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programme. As the Malaysian construction industry is still over-dependent on unskilled foreign labour, we really hope that this initiative will prepare the industry with more local talent to overcome the shortage of foreign workers issue. This however will take a long time into the far future. The industry is in need of new foreign workers now to help with the recovery and hope that the process to bring them in will be much faster.


Generally, MBAM was expecting a more uplifting 2022 Budget announcement for the construction industry. There were no announcement of new mega infrastructure projects to pump prime the revival of the Malaysian construction industry. MBAM appeals to the Government to provide more assistance for the construction industry to revive and sustain the construction sector.



Tan Sri Sufri Hj Mhd Zin PSM, SSAP, DPTJ

President, MBAM

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