Sub-Standard Mesh (or CQ Mesh)
We wish to inform all members that a meeting with Malaysian Iron and Steel Industry Federation (MISIF) was held on 7 September 2023 deliberated on the increasing use of sub-standard mesh (CQ mesh) in the market. The increasing use of sub-standard welded mesh could have been driven by industry players who want to reduce their cost amid escalating prices of raw material or mesh manufacturers who want to retain their margin amid rising input cost. The most common type of sub-standard mesh is under-sized wires. Some mesh manufacturers are making huge profit by supplying non-compliance mesh for local construction usage. Market observation shows that sub-standard mesh were mainly happened at standard sheet mesh.
Under the CIDB Act 520, it is compulsory to obtain CIDB certification before engaging in transactions involving any construction materials specified in the Fourth Schedule. Individuals who deal with such materials without proper certification may be charged with an offence and, upon conviction, face substantial fines ranging from ten thousand to five hundred thousand of Ringgit Malaysia. CIDB, together with SIRIM, MISIF and Steel Wire Association of Malaysia (SWAM) are stepping up efforts to eradicate CQ mesh in the market. Stakeholders in the construction industry, including contractors and consultants, may have to take responsibility on the use of sub-standard mesh.
As such, it is advisable not to use non-compliance/sub-standard mesh. Not only to avoid the enforcement by authority parties, but also to avoid casualties.
We are pleased to enclose the guidelines on how to identify sub-standard mesh for your reference.
Guidelines on How to Identify Sub-Standard Mesh CLICK HERE