We are pleased to inform members that Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB) has issued the A-Frame Scaffold Prohibition Notice for Shoring Works (Falsework) dated 14 April 2023.
This notice is accordance to the CIS 23: 2021. Safe Use of Falsework in Construction whereby stated, “Prefabricated steel frame scaffolding according to MS 1462-1 is prohibited to be used as falsework including shoring and backpropping. The product standard steel frame only covers the usage of prefabricated steel frame scaffolding for working access and platform purpose which is covered under CIS 22: Product Conformity for Used Scaffolding in Construction”.
For more information on the Notice, members can refer to;
Further to this notice, we would like to get your feedback by providing the details via online feedback form, https://forms.office.com/r/ZxDNHhsuw8 on/before 9 August 2023.
If you have any other enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact MBAM Manager, Muhammad Fadzley at mbam18@mbam.org.my.