Affirmative Final Determination of An Investigation with Regard to Steel Concrete

TO                    : MBAM MEMBERS                                                     
DATE               : 15 APRIL 2017
FROM              : LOH MEI LING, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR                   
REF                 : MBAM/25-01/2017/04/26-022

Dear Sir / Madam,


Greetings from Master Builders Association Malaysia (MBAM)!

We are pleased to inform that pursuant to the Government Attorney-General’s Chambers’ subsection 23(3) of the Safeguards Act 2006 [Act 657] and regulation 14 of the Safeguards Regulations 2007 [P.U. (A) 386/2007], the Government has made an affirmative final determination in relation to the investigation with regard to the steel concrete reinforcing bar products imported into Malaysia.

The products under investigation are steel concrete reinforcing bars that are hot rolled steel bars containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformation, classified under the Harmonised System Code (H.S. Code) and ASEAN Harmonised Tariff Nomenclature (AHTN)

7214.10.11 00 7214.10.19 00 7214.10.21 00 7214.10.29 00
7214.20.31 00 7214.20.39 00 7214.20.41 00 7214.20.49 00
7214.20.51 00 7214.20.59 00 7214.20.61 00 7214.20.69 00
7214.30.10 00 7214.30.90 00 7214.99.11 00 7214.99.19 00
7214.99.91 00 7214.99.92 00 7214.99.93 00 7214.99.99 00
7228.10.10 00 7228.10.90 00 7228.20.11 00 7228.20.19 00
7228.20.91 00 7228.20.99 00 7228.30.10 00 7228.30.90.00
7228.40.10 00 7228.40.90 00 7228.50.10 00 7228.50.90 00
7228.60.10 00 7228.60.90 00 7228.80.11 00 7228.80.19 00
7228.80.90 00      


Based on the investigation, the investigating authority has found that there was an increase in imports of the products, absolute and relative to the domestic production during the period of injury determination that is from 1 October 2012 to 30 September 2015; and under such conditions, it has caused serious injury to the domestic industry that produces like products or directly competitive products in respect of the decline in market share, domestic sales in terms of value, profitability, negative cash flow, and reduction in employment and wages.

The definitive safeguard measures applicable in relation to the products shall take the form of definitive safeguard duties and shall be imposed on the countries specified in the schedule below.

Definite safeguard duties shall be imposed for a period of three years from 14 April 2017 to 13 April 2020 at the following rates:


Period Definitive Safeguard Duties (%)
14 April 2017 – 13 April 2018 13.42
14 April 2018 – 13 April 2019 12.27
14 April 2019 – 13 April 2020 11.10


Countries Imposed With Definitive Safeguard Duties

Armenia Ireland Luxembourg Republic of Latvia
Australia Italy New Zealand Republic of Lithuania
Canada Japan People’s Republic of China Republic of Malta
Croatia Kingdom of Belgium Portuguese Republic Republic of Poland
Czech Republic Kingdom of Denmark Republic of Austria Republic of Slovenia
European Union Kingdom of Norway Republic of Bulgaria Romania
Federal Republic of Germany Kingdom of Spain Republic of Cyprus Slovak Republic
France Kingdom of Sweden Republic of Estonia Switzerland
Greece Kingdom of the Netherlands Republic of Finland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Hungary Liechtenstein Republic of Iceland United States of America


MBAM would like to highlight to members on the safeguard duties for the period of three years.  A full details of federal gazette and Ministry of International Trade and Industry media release as link below


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